Change is hard when you’re suffering with an overactive mind. This brilliant session will teach you how to quieten incessant thinking
As much as 75% of what we think is useless. Filling your mind with stress-inducing thoughts leads to overwhelm and burnout. So if you feel like you are stuck in your own mind, and can't make the changes in your life you want to, then you'll benefit from learning how to turn down the incessant chatter of an overactive brain.
In this video I take you through 3 steps to calm your mind.
Imagine switching off the noise in your head!
How would quietening your brain feel?
How would you use that extra brain power, and how would it change your life?
Lastly, I explain how food cravings are linked to an overactive brain, and how learning to control mental chatter can help you learn how to incorporate occasional treats into your diet in a healthy way.
Learn the secrets to losing weight after 40
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