Personal Trainer & Mid-Life Transformation Coach
This is our time. It’s when we decide it’s time for us and we’re ready to create something new in our lives.
My philosophy is that mid-life transformation is not about changing your body, it’s about reshaping your life.
As I came through the other side of menopause, I decided I didn’t want my life to slow down or get predictable.
So, as my responsibilities as a parent lessened, I decided to embrace the freedom that brought to focus more on myself and what I wanted for the next stage of my life.
And it all started with having the strength, fitness, stamina and clarity to decide what I wanted, and the confidence to go for it!
This is what I’m doing to engineer my mid-life transformation, and if this sounds like a great fit for you, get in touch to book a chat.
As a post-menopausal woman who wants an active future, I need to build muscle and stay strong.
When I was stuggling to cope with the changes brought by menopause, I couldn’t find the support I needed, so I retrained as a Personal Trainer, specialising in working with peri and post menopausal women like myself.
Menopause changes so much about us, but over the past few years I’ve learned to work with my body as it is now, and use proven nutritional and exercise strategies to help me take back control and reverse the weight gain, strength loss and low energy I experienced, and reduce the severity and frequency of the many aches, pains and niggles I was experiencing.
When I was younger, I only focused on weight loss. But by the time I hit my 50s I realised that wasn’t a big enough motivator.
I lacked the discipline to dial in my nutrition and exercise. Which was frustrating - I felt like I was doing all the work, but without experiencing any of the benefits.
I realised I had to find something that would truly motivate me, and when I did, it completely changed everything.
Taking care of myself properly became a non-negotiable and that’s when things really started to change.
Part of that process was realising I didn’t just want a stronger body, I wanted a stronger mind. So I reframed the discipline of training and changing my diet as a mental challenge, rather than a physical challenge.
I’d been stuck in a rut for a long time, but had a realisation that I wanted to be able to do hard things, now and forever. So I had to be prepared to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
When I struggled (I still do), I got curious, determined to find out why something felt hard, rather than giving myself a hard time and giving up.
Now, I view the whole process as continuous journey, learning more about myself and my body as I go, and providing the vital training I need to build a fulfilling and exciting future.
Midlife left me feeling… not very much.
But challenging myself, even in tiny ways, became a way of making me feel more alive.
So I started looking for bigger challenges that pushed me further out of my comfort zone.
Now, doing hard things is one way I’m making sure I never stop growing, learning, and experiencing the joys that life has to offer.
It’s how I’m finding purpose, building confidence and rediscovering fun.
My most debilitating menopause symptoms were stress, overwhelm and suffering with a manic, overactive mind.
After a few big life challenges, and hitting the brink of burnout, I finally took rest and relaxation seriously.
And it’s been a game changer; not only helping my body adapt to both the menopause transition and my training, but in keeping my mind focused on what’s most important to me, while making it easier to let go of things that I can’t control, reducing stress and bringing calmness and clarity to my mind, teaching me exactly what I need to thrive.
Are you ready for a complete mindset change? Do you want to use nutrition and exercise as the foundation of your mid-life transformation? and get really dialled into your goals and priorities and that as motivation to get you into the best physical and mental shape ever?
That’s exactly what I’m here for.
I’ll work with you on a 1-2-1 basis and give you a personalised nutrition and exercise programme, daily accountabiity and regular coaching sessions.
If you’re ready to take the next step, click on the link below to book a call to find out more.